jeudi 15 novembre 2012

Communication Campaign / Coding Version 1

Defining the campaign: Message & Action

There are the references, the coding and the action in each campaign.

We have to set up different communication campaigns according to our two targets !

I Campaign - Actions

Our objectives
Firstly, let's us remind our objectives :
  • To have an increase of 10 % in sales until 31st December 2012
  • To have 3 000  visitors by the end of the semester
  • Grow official blog visits by 50%
  • Create a facebook and a twitter pages : 5 000 fans on facebook and 500 followers on twitter until 31st  December
  • Organise a competition to create trafic and win 4 000 Fans on facebook

Our actions in the campaign :

Our actions are the followings:
  1. To increase the traffic on the blog = Come to visit our blog
  2. To increase our sales = Buy our product
  3. To increase the traffic on our Facebook Page = Like our Facebook page

Our Messages:

Action n°1:
Young adults will come to our blog because they will find the elements constituting the sensual, powerful world in which our target would like to live, instead of living in their "borring" world

Action n°2:
Young adults will buy our product because our books will enable them to escape from their boring world and will transport them through a story where they can identify themselves to the hereo. That's what bit-lit and fastastic books does for young adults, empower them and make them live the adventure through the story.

Action n°3:
Young adults will like and come to our Facebook because they want to be part of a community made of readers like them, where they can share their passion and feelings with us but most important with people like them

The coding

For action number 1 and 3 :
We want to make a contest :
The aim is to enpower our targets, the teenagers (since vampires have powers that's why the like it). We will focus on the "revange" on the parents and the teachers. They have to send a picture of them bitting one of their parents or one of their teachers.

Here is an example :

For the action number 2 : we want to use humour to communicate with our client and to make them buy our books. To do this, our slogan will be "Read everywhere". We will use funny pictures to illustrate it.

Here are some examples :

jeudi 1 novembre 2012

SM channels and Influencers

  1. Which SM channels we want to use ? (reach, impact and costs)

There are a lot of possibilities to touch the consumers by Social Medias.

To touch the young adults target and the others  :

  • We can add advertising for our others books in our or another publisher's  ebooks.For example you can buy a book and find a list of another books.  

     --> CostThere are not a special cost if the advertisement is inside our ebook. But if the advertisement is inside a another publisher's ebook we can spend 200 euros by ebook and a remuneration for the publisher if the adverstisement become a ebook's sale. 

  • We will go through with free extracts in the end of the books (ebooks and physical books)  or first chapters for a second serie's volume (I buy the first volume on Vampire Diairies for example and in the end of the book i can read the first chapter of the second volume). 

                  --> Cost :There are not cost for that. Just eventually  another sheets to print (1 cents by books) 

  • We can create a special publisher boutique in & (the first cultural site on ecommerce in France). It's a way to have visibility and increase the sales. This method is a mix between trade marketing (online ) and social media (80% of buyers search informations on internet and ecommerce's sites before buying in a physical shop and 18% of them buy on internet according to Amazon public conference for books professional in september 2012). 

--> Cost : Approximately12 000 euros for Amazon's Boutique and 6 000 euros for Fnac's boutique for the first years (and other years : 5 000 euros for an annual update for Amazon and 2 000 euros for Fnac)

Some example of publishers boutique online (Amazon and Fnac. com) 

  • We use a lot blogs (a big opinion leaders in young adult )  influencers :  We have a relationships by a community manager and the press attaché. We send free books in preview ( review copy) and organisation of special events like autor's dedications.  

--> Reviews copie's cost : It's depend of the press attaché's listing. We estimate 10 VIP big blogs who receive all the news books every month (5 books by month) and 50 others person who receive 2 books by month. ( We estimate a book cost : 4 Euros (postal cost in charge of our book's distributor) Total Cost  : 150 copies × 4 euros = 600 euros by month
Blogs can organise some Book's challenge for their readers. It's a good way to have an good and powerful communication.

Some example of VIP Blogs ans website :

- Le monde de Francesca : 
 - Actu young adult: 
Jess Livraddict: 
- Blue moon :
- Bit-lit (2 bit-lit 's spezialists) 

--> Event's cost : One or two events with author by years. It's depend of the events. All the budget are possibles. 

--> Employees cost : Press attaché and Community manager has a price by month (2 000 gross pay by month for each)

  • Social networks are very important for young adults people. Community management is indispensable (Facebook, twitter and blogs ) 

--> Costs : SM's Campagnes (Facebook and Blogs): 200 euros / month

  • A mobile App is a good Social media (only harlequin has application for the moment and for all the collections, not only for young adults). 
--> Costs : Approximately 600 euros for the app. 

2) Research and Brainstorm potential influencers  

We have defined 3 major influencers:
- The readers 
- Eventually the parents
- The book's professionals 

  • The readers: we can to make buzz with our communication campaign, by using the social network.

We know they attach a great importance to the opinion of bloggers: for example: So we have to be present on these blogs, showing our books, our stories, our group and have comments about our books. 
It exist other manners to influence them: we can buy “wall paper” of these blog showing the front cover on one of our books... The previw copy is indispensable to create the buzz around the book. The blog publish a book's comment before the publication. Blog is a very strong opinion's leader in the book industry and have good comments in preview create the buzz, the waiting and the desire.  We can also take advantage of a new king of communication: the e-book communication

  • The Parents: Young adult is a specific target the youngest readers can't buy a book without the parents permission. They can influence the sales or the choice of the book. Social media has to be adapted with this factor. The langage and the choice of the publication are very important but must admit by the oldest young adult. 

  • The Book's professionals 

- The libraries, the superstores, diffusors and distributors…
We also have to convince the “distributors” that our books will be successful. To do this, we can participate to professional fairs around books (Salon du livre jeunesse de Montreuil, du livre de Paris) and eventually other annex fairs like “le Salon des jeux videos”, “le Salon du e-commerce”, “le Salon de la vente à distance”.
We can organise trainings for libraries about about the different genres of Imaginary literatures (Science - fiction, fantasy, bit lit and so on ... ) and young adult's literatures. The aim is to give them all keys to know how can they sell the books

- Autors and agents…
Social Medials are a good way to show our autors and international agents the communication's work of Darkmoon. It's important to have this online showcase to have international book's deals. 

lundi 15 octobre 2012

Our Position on the young adults market

As we have two targets:

  • Young adults, the most important and our first target
  • Adults that read young adult literature (not negligible market that represents huge source of profits thanks to the new tendencies already explained: there's no need to be a teenager to love fantasy, just need to watch the international success of Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Twilight)

Many adults are finding themselves inspired 
to leap back over the fence into the world of teen literature. — Photo by Jesse Rieser

We have put in place a special strategy that could attract and touch both of them. In order to make that possible we have made a clear differentiation on how we sell our books.

Why are we different?

  1. Product attributes

For our first market: Young adults

We offer to young adults an incredible variety of books on many different themes: fantasy, adventure, bit-lit (vampires stories), romance.
So that, they can find and discover many different books published by only one label.
==> wide range of books under only one label

Thanks to our specialized team, that is permanently searching for new interesting books (here or abroad), that could become the big successes of tomorrow, we are always updated with the new tendencies and try to offer those books to our customers before any other label.
==>  label that offers to its customers new books in "avant-première"

As we want to be closer to our customers everyday and that their satisfaction is our priority, we offer them many different services apart from only selling books:

  • A loyalty card that rewards them (discount, invitation to special events)
  • A particular book-mark: when our customers buy some of our books they can receive with the book a special personalized and dedicated card from the author of the book (for example : "For Peter, XXX, Stephany Meyer), this because we are close to the authors we published
  • We organize for our customers special events where they can meet authors, or participate to book fairs
  • We have created a website and a blog, as well as a Facebook page, to enables our customers follow trends, our book launch, last trends/news on the young adult literature
  • Some special goodies on big books can be bought on our website
==> label that cares about its customer, trying to create strong long term relationship around a strong community made of its readers by creating associated services and tools that could even more satisfy its customers and retain them

For our secondary market: Adults

We offer them all of the previous elements but we have decided to create other books' covers that are more neutral and will more appeal them in books shops (they will be in the adult section and not in the young section) or on our website.

For instance Pocket Jeunesse has done this and its has worked well, so we will also do it for books that could interest our both targets (not for all of our books, because some of them will only interest young adults).

Young cover for Hunger Games:  

Adult cover for Hunger Games:

Castelmore also does that every year with 2 or 3 books. Some books are published with a Castelmore cover for young adults and with a  Bragelonne's cover (adult's label) for adult.

For example the New Victoria's Book:

==> label that differentiates its books according to its targets, enabling its adults' target to find fantasy,bit-lit, adventure books in the adult section and not in the young one.

what's more, we thought on a future innovation  : we want to expose to current taste update classical stories like Hamlet, Snow White and Pride&Prejudice.


2. External attributes

  • Social/Political :
Darkmoon is a  responsible publisher. We care about the world and the people. We installed a human politic "For one book bought, 1 cent goes to a non-profit association". Every year the association changes.
For instance, until December 2012 we will work with "Rêves" an association dedicated to ill children and that fights to realise their dream.

  • Environmental
Ecological aspect : our company is engaged in the protection of the environment. Our books are made with recycled paper. We obtained all certifications. We obtained the european certification : Ecolabel Européen.
The label gives a global approach of the life cycling of the product, the raw materials used, the production, the distribution and the recycling of the product
Nathalie CONTE
Sandrine CATHALO

Léonore BERARD

jeudi 4 octobre 2012

Our target market

Develop our B2C target market  

  • Primary & secondary market demographics
-Primary market demographics : 15 to 25 years old  (and up) young adult's readers

-Secondary market demographics : the other ones

  • Socio- & psycho-graphics
Young adult's readers profile
According to a survey  89 % of the respondents young adult's readers are women between 18 and 34 years old.

Interests, attitudes & beliefs
The brands and the publishing houses are not yet recognized by the readers. Indeed they only take into account the cover page and the back cover (the title, the summary and the main picture). The most important part of the recommendation is made on the internet between community members. It is the principle of "word of mouth". 

Young adult's readers prefer the following literary genres:
-1st position : Science fiction & Fantasy (80%)
-2nd position : Women's Literature (46,7%)

Type of books
Harry Potter of J.K. Rowling and Twilight of Stephanie Meyer became the two references for the Young adult's literature.
  • Purchasing data
A real addiction
They are avid readers because 60% of them read more than 1 book per week. So it represents a real opportunity. Indeed, this target is the future of the publishing market.

The places of purchase
Young adult's readers prefer buying books:
-in the bookshops : 37%
-in the cultural department stores (Fnac, Virgin) : 24%
-on Internet (Amazon, Priceminister) : 16%

(Source: Survey on the public "Young adult's readers" conducted by the social network Babelio on Internet and carried out among 29 000 members in May 2011,
  • Key concerns leading to openness to your message
The Maslow model :  the need people have to use our product (a book) belongs to two elements : love&beloging and self-actualisation.
  1. love&belonging : people who read this kind of books want to belong to a special community : they can share their experience, their feelings and their passion for dark love stories. The creation of these groups is very relevant because we can notice that on the social network, it exist a lot of communities.
  2. self-actualization : it consists in going out of the material aspect of the world, using your creativity and your spontaneity. Reading is a good mean to think outside of the box, to use your imagination. 
It means we have to use these two different ways to communicate and to create ours messages. They have to be based on the relationship between people and what can a community bring them : links, sharing, gratitude.

Create target profiles

  • An individual that helps define your primary market
The Young adult's readers are aged between 15 and 25 years old.
For the gender it depends of the type of literature as they don't touch the target the same way.
For books like Harry Potter or Hunger games: males and females read them because both can be touched by the story.
For books refering to vampires like Vampire diaries : more females read them because romantism is very present.

  • A second individual that helps define your secondary market
The other readers. No gender or age particularly. Indeed, this type of literature can also touch adults. The best example for that is the world wide success of Harry Potter that has touched many people of very different ages.


Campaign Objectives

  • To have an increase of 10 % in sales until 31 december
  • To have 3 000  visitors by the end of the semester
  • Grow official blog visits by 50%
  • Create a facebook and a twitter pages : 5 000 fans on facebook and 500 followers on twitter until 31 december
  • Organise a competition to create trafic and win 4 000 Fans on facebook 

Léonore Berard
Séléna Bernard
Sandrine Cathalo
Nathalie Conte

lundi 1 octobre 2012


Review on Black Moon

Black Moon is a special collection which belongs to the French book house Hachette. It’s a community which brings together reading fans of fantastic and romantic genre for young adults.This label gathers books dealing with impossible love stories, psychologist thrillers... As it's the leader in young adult literrature, they have a lot of means of communication : a website, a facebook page...

The website is very clear and uses the colors mainly used in young adult romance : black, white and pink. It corresponds to what the members look for and their slogan "le site des mordus de lecture" is adapted to their public and the play of words refers to vampires ("mordu" has a double sens "to be keen on" and "to be bitten").

On the page, you can find :

A personal space : there is a special community where you can subscribe. On your profile, you can choose your reader profile, your library, your opinions/comments, messages and to contact other members.The community is very important because it can brings ideas, people share their opinion and it is very helpful in the selling process! At that date, there are 22 151 members and 60 502 comments. The members are mainly young women. Comments deal with the characters of the books, or advices regarding a choice or to discuss on what happen in a book.

What's more, they use a huge communication around their books. They have a special tab where you can find new books, some excerpts...

The last tab is about the different events: meetings with authors, competitions (to win : meetings with  authors, special books )

To finish, you can buy directly books through the website. You have to choose your book, put it in the digital shopping bag and there is a link with to buy it.

  • The Facebook page :

The same colours are used than on the official website : dark, pink and white. At that date, there are more than 84 440 fans.
The page is well animated : at least a new post every day. I didn't found any bad comment, only remarks from young groupies.
The main difference is that you have more articles about movies than books.

You can also find :  
  1. events : the dates and the places of the different dedications
  2. new boos excerpts
  3. promotional videos
  4. pictures of movies 
To conclude on Black Moon : this is a very dangerous competitor : this label is the leader in the young adult litterrature. They have a huge weapon : a very strong community (not to say a familly), they are very active on the social networks and they can easily combine pleasure and profits (don't forget that on the website you can buy a book on Neverless, when you want to build a community, you need opinion leaders and for the moment they don't exist.